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Bad Ideas for Rabbits

Our hotline gets calls from people all over the country. We have offered a lot of help with bonding, which often takes a lot of time and suggestions. We are happy to help people and rabbits make the most of their coexistence. However, over the past 6 months we seemed to have an had abundance of very misinformed people wanting rabbits for all the wrong reasons. Others have some very mistaken ideas about rabbit care. Here are some of the standouts.

I want to get a bunny for my baby
(two calls like this in 2 months!).

I want a baby bunny

I want to get a rabbit for my child's classroom, I've seen them in other classrooms so that must mean they are appropriate.

What are rabbits in the classroom really teaching kids?

Classroom rabbit FAQ

I have a misting system so it is OK for my rabbits to live outside
(in hot summers).

See our hot weather flier

I want my rabbit to have babies.

Read our Easter Poem

My 4-month-old rabbits used to get along but now they are fighting.

See our spay/neuter fliers

My Netherland Dwarf is fighting with my other rabbits and/or biting me.

Last updated november 19, 2016